Saturday April 6,2013 is nearly here!
I'm so excited. This will be my first of hopefully many dutch oven competitions.
I told my family I wanted to cook the "Corn Dog Casserole" recipe I've developed but my husband thought it needed some chili in it to
make it more interesting. Then I thought it would be better if instead of using whole cocktail dogs I would cut up hot dogs in rings. Then
we had to adjust how much of what was needed in it. Now finally we got it dialed in, even down to the amount of coals we need on top
and underneath so we can cook it and not have it get burned. No kidding in 2 weeks we ate the casserole three times for dinner.
I hope you all come out and check out the event. It's called "Equine and Trails Celebration." It goes for three days (Friday, Saturday, and
Sunday). It's all free. there's classes and demonstrations along with competitions. The event is being held at the Tehama District
Fairgrounds" in Red Bluff, California.
Hope to see you there.
NOTE: As it turned out I couldn't make it to the cook off. My daughter went into labor and I got to be there to see my grandson be born.
Now that I wouldn't miss for the world!