First and foremost I want to make it PERFECTLY clear, I am NOT a doctor, or health care provider at all! I AM however, a mother of 9,
grandmother of 9 and wife to only 1 husband ever in my life. So please if you have ANY health problems talk to your doctor BEFORE you
make ANY diet changes. I would NEVER want to advise you on health matters. I am sharing what works for me and my family. The
things I am sharing below are NOT intended for you to diagnose or treat any health conditions. These are just some changes we have
made that has been good for us and I wanted to share them with you.
Because both my husband and I want to be healthier we have decided to make a few changes in our diets along with some exercise.
Neither of us believe in following a set diet because that only sets you up for failure. You know like counting calories, no sugar, no fat,
those kind of things.
What we do believe in is eating better. We don't count calories, or deprive ourselves. The thing we do is change the kind of salt, sugar,
oil, grains, and we eat more vegetables.
My husband read a study saying that you can eat as much as you like just make sure your plate is 1/2 full of vegetables (and don't just
look at them but actually eat them).
These are the kind of changes we have made and it works for us.
I hope you find this information helpful.