Donuts instead of wedding cake?

Our daughter April is getting married soon. Instead of a wedding cake she decided on getting donut

(By the way donuts are much cheaper than wedding cake is by far. We are getting 18 dozen for the price of 15 dozen. Right there we save $36.00. In all the donuts are costing less than $200.00. Now where can you get a wedding cake for 200 people for less than that at any bakery?)

Not only that but she wants them on a paper towel holder.

Our son is making holders. Instead of a large dowel on it, he’s going to use a dowel he is going to use one that is 3/8” thick.

It seems a small though more and more people are doing donuts instead of cake.

I have heard of hanging them on a peg board, using initials to hang them on, and I’m sure other things as well.

Anyway we will see how this all works out very soon. It sounds like fun at least.